Organic Apoteke : Cosmetics Regulation and Standards in Japan

Organic Apoteke : Cosmetics Regulation and Standards in Japan

The Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Act defines cosmetics as "Articles with mild action on the human body, which are intended to be applied to the human body through rubbing, sprinkling or other methods, aiming to clean, beautify and increase the attractiveness, alter the appearance or to keep the skin or hair in good condition."

The regulation of cosmetics and skincare is taken seriously in Japan. All products sold in Japan need to be compliant with Article 42, Paragraph 2 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (Law No.145 of 1960), the Standards for Cosmetics are hereby established as follows and shall be applied from April 1, 2001. The previous standards as that is, the Quality Standards for Cosmetics (Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No.321 of August 1967) and the Japanese Standards for Cosmetic Ingredients (Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No.322 of August 1967) was abolished on March 31, 2001.

Organic Apoteke products are compliant with current regulation. 


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